Perfect World Perfect World
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Sinopsis Perfect World: Shi Hao lives to practice Taoism, cultivating himself to fight suffering and calamity. As a result of a catastrophe, his body turned into millions and millions of blood drops that rain down through the ages, getting refined through space and time. Tested in the endless flow of time, he transforms freely and eternally.
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Sinopsis Perfect World: Shi Hao lives to practice Taoism, cultivating himself to fight suffering and calamity. As a result of a catastrophe, his body turned into millions and millions of blood drops that rain down through the ages, getting refined through space and time. Tested in the endless flow of time, he transforms freely and eternally.
- Asli: 完美世界
- Inggris: Perfect World
- Sinonim: Dunia Sempurna
- Ditayangkan: 23 Apr 2021 to 1 Oct 2021
- Durasi: 20
- Episode: 26
- Skor: 7.1
- Genre: Action Adventure Fantasy
- Studio: Foch , Tencent Penguin Pictures
Karakter dan Seiyu
Hao Shi
MAINJinwen Chen
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